The objectives of the Group are to support the work of its members, NHS and DH based organisations in the
North-East, Yorkshire and Humber by:
Coordinating the views of members with the intention of providing more substantive input formally into
the national programme and of taking action to influence the National IM&T agenda.
Working closely with the YatH DI Group to consider specific matters and make recommendations regarding
implications and expectations of the service
Providing networking opportunities for members to support the sharing of good practice and expert knowledge
Providing a professional channel for communicating information and advising on National and Regional
initiatives to those charged with implementing them.
Supporting the implementation of the national IM&T strategy and other National and
Regional initiatives by:
providing a forum for consultation and discussion which can be used to influence,
nominating and supporting members to serve on Regional and National working groups,
undertaking or commissioning work which is of common benefit.
Promoting good practice and value for money by:
developing standards,
sharing experience and lessons learned,
developing the competence of IM&T staff,
addressing issues of common concern,
developing, planning and coordinating the implementation of initiatives,
acting as an IM&T reference point for other groups,
establishing useful links with other similar groups.
Membership will be open to NHS and DH organisations in the North East SHA and Yorkshire and
the Humber SHA Region. Organisations outside this area may be admitted to membership with the
agreement of the group.
Representatives of other organisations may attend meetings, on request or by invitation, at the
discretion of the Chair.
Representatives will normally be the Director(s) responsible for IM&T or the Head(s) of IM&T
according to organisation structures. Substitutes will be encouraged to represent the organisation
when the nominated representative is unable to attend.
The Membership Year will run from 1 April to 31 March.
A management committee will be elected annually with responsibility for:
encouraging participation in coordinating the agenda, production of papers, minutes etc.,
arranging the programme of topics and special events,
organising the annual Time Out,
chairing meetings and events,
where necessary, act on behalf of the group subject to ratification,
collecting subscriptions and keeping membership records,
disbursement of income received from subscriptions,
booking venues for meetings.
The Management Committee will consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair and a minimum of four other members.
The committee should represent the overall membership and interests of the group and the committee
has the authority to co-opt additional members to ensure adequate representation and the competence
to fulfil its role.
The committee will be elected annually by 31 March for the following year, April to March.
The current chair will arrange a ballot for the election of the chair and committee. Only subscribing members will be entitled to vote.
Members will be invited to offer themselves for the office to the current chair. Members may offer to stand as chair and / or committee member.
Each member eligible to vote will be entitled to vote for the chair and for up to five committee members.
The committee will make appropriate arrangements for the transaction of business but must:
appoint a Vice-Chair,
appoint one of it’s members to be responsible for the Group’s financial affairs,
arrange appropriate administrative support for the work of the committee and of the group.
The committee must obtain the approval of the full group for the arrangements made.