The Northern, Yorkshire and Humberside NHS Directors of Informatics Forum

Everybody Needs a Mentor
How to get the best advice that money can't buy

A mentor, according to The Oxford Illustrated Dictionary, is 'an experienced or trusted advisor'. The term is taken from Homer's Mentor, the wise counsellor to Telemachus, son of Ulysses. Who in such times as these would turn down the offer of free support and assistance?

At work many of us have been helped by older, wiser, more experienced colleagues, who saw signs of promise that we did not recognise or notice that we lacked confidence to fulfil our full potential. They do not expect anything in return, only that you might, in turn, help someone later.

NYHDIF is pleased to be able to facilitate a free mentor service for it's members.

Have you ever had a particular problem which you would welcome sharing and discussing with an independent third party? Or maybe you would appreciate having a discussion about your career options? Perhaps you are considering your own development opportunities or those of your staff?

Sometimes it can help to share and consider different approaches with a colleague or mentor. A confidential and discreet service could provide you with that additional edge that could make the difference to your role and your career.

This service is provided free of charge by NYHDIF members to NYHDIF members. The mentee is expected to travel to meet the mentor.

A mentor doesn't make decisions on behalf of a mentee but helps them to identify and discuss options in any situation. All decisions are taken by the mentee but advice and guidance is provided by the mentor.

Used in the right manner it can be a very powerful tool to provide a competitive advantage in many situations. The mentor-mentee relationship could just be a one-off or an ongoing arrangement, the mentee decides which suits them best.

If you wish to try the service out then select a suitable mentor from the Register alongside and make the initial contact. Over to you.

Register of NHYDIF Mentors

If you are prepared to add your name to the Register of NYHDIF Mentors then email providing a very short summary of relevant experience and contact details for the information of prospective mentees to enable them to select the most appropriate mentor.

This offer should also indicate any experience you have as a mentor, what strengths you would bring to the role and why you are making this offer. Mentors will only be added to the Register following the approval of the NYHDIF Management Committee.