A ‘privacy notice’ is a statement issued by an organisation, or jointly by organisations, which explains how personal and confidential information about patients, service users, staff and visitors is collected, used and shared. This may also be called a privacy statement, fair processing statement/notice or privacy policy. This privacy notice is issued by the Northern, Yorkshire and Humberside NHS Directors of Informatics Forum (NYHDIF). By issuing this privacy notice, we demonstrate our commitment to openness and transparency. We recognise the importance of protecting personal confidential information in all that we do and take care to meet our legal requirements.
The NYHDIF Secretariat only holds your Name, Organisation and email address in email distribution lists. This is used to distribute information and papers relating to regular NYHDIF meetings and the Annual NYHDIF Conference.
The invoicing address of your organisation is also held to enable the sending of invoices for membership fees and additional places at the Annual Conference.
This information is not provided to any other party unless you give specific permission to do so.
Under UK Data Protection Legislation & the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the right to request access to the information held about you as well as who has accessed your information. If at any point you believe the information we process on you is incorrect a further right you have as a data subject is to request that this incorrect data is corrected or deleted.
If you wish to raise a concern or a complaint you can do so by contacting the care professional providing your care or treatment, or the organisation’s Data Protection Officer or key contact.
If you are not satisfied with the response you receive or believe we are processing your personal data not in accordance with the law you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). https://ico.org.uk/